Whoopi Goldberg Trashes PC Culture: Don’t Hyphenate America!

Scott Whitlock | February 1, 2016
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[See NewsBusters for more.] View co-host Whoopi Goldberg on Monday took a surprisingly strong stand against political correctness and what she saw as the hyphenating of America. Discussing diversity in Hollywood, she explained, “I went from being colored to being a Negro to being black to African-American. I figured I would land on African-American.”  She forcefully argued, “Every time... you hyphenate American, anytime you put something in front of it, it's like you're not a real American. Well, I'm a whole lot of all American!” To her liberal critics, Goldberg preemptively declared, “This is my country and I'm American! You know, save your tweets and save your hate mail because you know in this case I don't care.”