WashPost Boosts Left-Wing 'White Privilege' Theory on Race

Matthew Balan | January 18, 2016
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

The Washington Post's Christine Emba and Karen Attiah promoted the leftist race theory of "white privilege" in a video posted on the newspaper's website on 16 January 2016. The two op-ed writers blamed "white privilege" for the hands-off approach to the occupation of the federal wildlife refuge in Oregon: "White privilege means being able to take over a federal building; to be armed to the teeth; and to threaten violence, if necessary; and yet, you're still not seen as a threat to national security. In fact, you get to live to tell the tale."

Emba and Attiah also credited "white privilege" for an apparent double standard in treating two crises with heroin — one in the 1970s and '80s and the present-day one. Emba underlined that "back then, the response was to start a war on drugs and drug users — and not even drug users, but crack-heads who are black and poor. Today, of course, the response to the heroin crisis is — you know, it's a public health crisis. It's a mental health issue. We need to be kind to addicts." Attiah contended, " In a nutshell, black drug use and addition equals incarceration, criminalization. White drug use and addition equals compassion, concern."