Unlike Ted Cruz, Journalists Fawned Over 'Political Star' Wendy Davis

Scott Whitlock | September 25, 2013
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The networks reacted negatively to Ted Cruz's "long-winded protest." On Wednesday, George Stephanopoulos derided it as "bizarre." This is not exactly the reception Democratic state senator Wendy Davis received when she fought against pro-life legislation in Texas. On June 27, CBS This Morning correspondent Manuel Bojorquez thrilled, "The marathon filibuster that went viral has turned a little-known Texas lawmaker into a national political star." He added, "Some political analysts are comparing it to the 1988 Democratic convention speech that catapulted Ann Richards to the national stage." On July 1, CNN's Miguel Marquez enthused, "A Democrat in the governor’s mansion here? Unthinkable a week ago; a ‘maybe’ today."

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