Univision Takes Note: Historic Drop in Hispanic Poverty Under Trump

MRC Latino | March 5, 2019
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LUIS MEGID, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: The latest Census figures reveal that the level of poverty among Hispanics fell to the lowest level in history. In 2017 it reached 18.3%, a significant drop of more than one percent over the previous year.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much

MEGID: The President is celebrating it as one of his accomplishments. And while you can attribute it to a growing economy, Tomás Jiménez of Stanford University believes that it is also due to another phenomenon. For him, Hispanic poverty is falling because fewer immigrants are arriving and there are more Hispanics who were born here.

TOMÁS JIMÉNEZ, PROFESSOR, STANFORD UNIVERSITY: And the population born here has more education, earns more money, earns better living than their parents. You have a, you have a mm, they are assimilating.