Univision Takes Another Swing At Pro-Trump Latino Star, Misses AGAIN

MRC Latino | October 8, 2020
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PAMELA SILVA: Well, I want to begin by saying that it's not that common for a Hispanic artist to publicly support President Trump, particularly at this time. And many were also surprised that you would accept this nomination to be a part of that commission. 

What do you have in common with Trump and his ideology?

EDUARDO VERASTEGUI: That's another thing. We share the most important thing: The defense of life. You know that as a Mexican, a committed, practicing Catholic, the most important thing to me is to defend the most important fundamental right of all human rights, the right to be born. Because if you are not born, you cannot enjoy any other right.

SILVA: Is that all you have in common with him, Eduardo?

VERASTEGUI: No, no, there's a lot more. The main thing is life. I could not support a candidate, for example, like Biden, who, along with Kamala, his vice president, and the Democratic party, support abortion at nine months. My hands would be covered in blood, then...

SILVA (INTERRUPTING): Eduardo, the President refused to publicly condemn these white supremacist groups at last week’s debate...

VERASTEGUI: He has condemned them on several occasions

SILVA: Aren't you uncomfortable with that attitude? So ...


VERASTEGUI: Well, look what Obama promised, even here at Univision, how many times he said that if they voted for him ...

SILVA (INTERRUPTING): We're talking about Donald Trump right now....

VERASTEGUI (KEEPS TALKING): ... once they voted for him 

SILVA (INTERRUPTING): And the separation of families as well?

VERASTEGUI: The Great Separator of Families has a name and his name is Obama.


The Great Separator. Over 2 million Mexicans were deported by the Obama administration