Univision Co-opts National Adoption Month For Trans Push

MRC Latino | December 2, 2019
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LORRAINE CACERES, ANCHOR, UNEWS: Welcome back. November is National Adoption Month and thousands of children, many victims of sexual abuse, are hoping to be welcomed into a new forever home and taken out of the foster care system. Xiomara Gonzalez Govea takes a look at what it's like for some of these children to be caught in the system. 

XIOMARA GONZALEZ GOVEA, CORRESPONDENT, UNEWS: (SPANISH) How do you remember your past in Puerto Rico? 

“ARIELLA”: (SPANISH) My mother was a prostitute.

GONZALEZ GOVEA: “Human trafficking. Prostitutes. My mother was a prostitute.”  This is difficult for her to say, admitting to her mother's illegal trafficking of children, as well as her mother's history of prostitution is perhaps not the most honorable testimony in the life of “Ariella”, a young transgendered girl who’s been part of the crowded foster care system, where she has spent more than 6 long years.