Top Obama Official on Biden's Border Crisis: 'Surging,' 'Large,' 'Unstainable'

Scott Whitlock | April 1, 2022
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Joe Biden just made the spiraling crisis on the southern border a lot worse. The question is, will the compliant networks even notice? Last week, the Biden administration announced it would be ending Title 42, a Covid-era health policy that allows for the immediate expulsion of illegals attempting to cross the border. Considering that the February border crossing were already 63 percent higher than the same time last year, get ready for a dangerous situation to get even worse.  But you wouldn’t know how bad the situation at the border is if you watched the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts over the last two months. In February, these shows allowed ZERO minutes and zero seconds of coverage to the shockingly high border numbers. In March, they were only slightly better, nine minutes and four seconds. 

On the March 30 MTP Daily, Jeh Jonson, Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary, publicly conceded the bleak assessment. He agreed that maintaining Title 42 is a way to keep the already skyrocketing numbers from going even higher. Johnson bluntly added a perspective not seen on the networks: