Think Progress and Huffington Post A 'Bunch of Whiners'

Alicia Powe | February 22, 2012
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Congressman Allen West called  Think Progress and Huffington Post  a 'bunch of whiners' during a President’s Day speech at the Boca Raton Republican Club dinner in Boca Raton, FL.

He said his staff informed him of ThinkProgress' article, West's 15 Most Outrageous Statements, and "It was hilarious because there are people out there on the other side who are actually tracking every little single thing that I say, and you know, it really started to look like a bunch of whiners."

" What I can't understand for the life of me" said West, "is how people on the other side can certainly dish it out,  but when you stand up on principle, when you tell them what you believe in, they can't take it."