Telemundo Hypes Economy-Crippling Lockdown as “Necessary to Save Lives”

MRC Latino | December 4, 2020
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FELICIDAD AVELEYRA: California Gov. Gavin Newsom today announced new restrictions that limit non-essential activities throughout the state.

GUADALUPE VENEGAS: This means that when intensive care areas in hospitals in each region reach 85%, then restrictions will be implemented, being a confinement stay-at-home order, and people will have to follow the new rules.

Now, what do the closures that would now close beauty salons, bars, personal care salons, museums, zoos, and cinemas mean?

No one is happy with these changes, but they have to be made. Now, I want to mention that all businesses, the retail stores, will open to 20 percent capacity and restaurants will be able to operate for food that people can buy for pick-up. Those would be the new restrictions in the state of California, Felicidad.

AVELEYRA: Well, yes, Guadalupe, restrictions that are needed in order to save lives.