Ted Koppel Spins Dark Scenario Where Trump Loses, Foments Violence

Scott Whitlock | January 29, 2020
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[See NewsBusters for more.] The supposedly reasonable PBS on Tuesday abounded with dark conspiracy theories about the impeached Donald Trump fomenting violence in November after losing, as well as whether America is turning into Nazi Germany. Veteran journalist Ted Koppel shot down that theory, but engaged in the idea of mass violence by dejected Trump voters. Moving on, Koppel described America as in an “ideological civil war” that has, so far, had a “minimum of bloodshed.” He then theorized,  “Let's say, for the sake of argument, that whoever the Democratic candidate is defeats Donald Trump in November, we then have a period from early November until the 20th of January, that interregnum period, when Donald Trump is still president, but he knows that he only has a few months left to serve. How do you think that period will go?” 
