Taxpayer-Funded Anti-Trump News on Azteca

MRC Latino | September 7, 2016
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ROBERTO RUIZ, ANCHOR, AZTECA AMERICA: And look, after many days where speculation about a possible change of tone on the subject of immigration, Trump assured in an interview to CNN that his position has not softened, but hardened. However, in his meetings with Hispanics, as you know and we have documented, demonstrates another face, his rhetoric is different. Gonzalo Abarca informs us.

GONZALO ABARCA, CORRESPONDENT, VOICE OF AMERICA: Donald Trump, now proud to be among Hispanics and people of African descent, a meeting among friends, according to him. A meeting that takes place twelve months after having offended Mexicans, and in addition Latinos, calling them rapists and drug addicts. The Republicans know that without the Hispanic vote, Trump faces a steep climb to get to the Oval Office. For that reason, the strategy now seems to be one of backing away from the recalcitrant position taken months ago of deporting without any contemplation 11 million undocumented [immigrants].

DANA BASH, CNN: [translated to Spanish] Does this plan include a deportation force?

KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: [translated to Spanish] To be determined.

GONZALO ABARCA, CORRESPONDENT, VOICE OF AMERICA: The idea of this deportation force has been shelved, and in its place, bilious comments trying to erode Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, whom he accused specifically of being untruthful.


GONZALO ABARCA, CORRESPONDENT, VOICE OF AMERICA: Trump continues hammering the ex-Secretary of State for her participation in the Clinton Foundation.

DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT: [translated to Spanish] They [Clinton Foundation] shouldn’t be taking donations from countries that influenced her completely.

GONZALO ABARCA, CORRESPONDENT, VOICE OF AMERICA: All of that accompanied by a press release that calls for the definitive closure of the Clinton Foundation. The candidate [Clinton] has taken advantage of Trump’s apparent inconsistency with Hispanics and has released a campaign ad where it is insisted that Trump would be unstable and dangerous if he were given access to state secrets. Gonzalo Abarca, Voice of America, Washington.