Strained Analogy Alert! Ed Schultz: Obama is Auburn and Republicans are Alabama

Scott Whitlock | December 2, 2013
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Perhaps the White House told Ed Schultz to compare the administration to a powerhouse football team? On Monday's MSNBC program, the liberal host offered a most tortured analogy: Barack Obama is just like the University of Auburn's football team and the Republicans are the defeated Alabama. Schultz even replayed Saturday's exciting final play, swapping out Chris Davis for the President: "Holy smokes, we've got a return by ObamaCare! This is Chris Davis. He's a believer! He's got all those Obama blockers out there!" Screaming as he narrated the game's final seconds, Schultz continued with his fantasy interpretation: "It's going to work! It's going to work! Look at ObamaCare! It's going to work! They ain't giving up. One hundred and nine yards in Jordan Harris stadium!" Considering his disdain for conservatives, the host leveled his harshest comparison at Alabama: "Even the arrogance of Alabama, who thinks they can beat everybody anywhere, any time, any day, even with one second left, they think they're going to get it to you. And that's where they're just like the Republicans!"

Video cross-posted at NewsBusters.