Stephen Colbert Lobbies Viewers To Write Angry Letters Bashing Florida's GOP Governor

Scott Whitlock | June 29, 2011
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Faux conservative Stephen Colbert on June 27 shifted completely into activist mode and urged his viewers to write letters to Florida newspapers bashing that state's Republican governor.

Colbert mocked Rick Scott's office for encouraging supporters to send pre-written e-mails supporting the governor. He then read a Mad Lib-style letter he posted on The host derided, "Dear editor, it is my strong belief that rick Scott is a adjective governor."

Viewers were invited to fill in the blanks and then send them to the newspapers that Colbert's website provided. He continued with his template: "His letter praising himself makes me want to verb up. I adverb, verb this great nation and everyone should action verb Rick Scott with a noun for an interjection full body shave like a naked mole rat. Sincerely, name, city."