Stephanopoulos Badgers Conway on Clinton E-Mails; Goes Soft On Mook

Matthew Balan | November 7, 2016
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

On the 7 November 2016 edition of ABC's GMA, George Stephanopoulos hounded Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on James Conway announcing that the FBI would not change its findings on the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal. The Clinton Foundation donor wondered, "Do you accept [Comey's] finding now?" Stephanopoulos also played up that Comey "said that no reasonable prosecutor would bring the case, and the investigation is closed now." By contrast, just minutes earlier, the anchor tossed softballs at Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook: "You've also seen a real surge in the Latino vote in Florida; and...Nevada. Have they delivered those states to Hillary?"