Shocked Matthews: 'Eloquent,' 'Excellent' Pence 'Wins' debate vs. 'Desperate' Kaine

Scott Whitlock | October 4, 2016
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday night shocked his liberal viewers by declaring that the “eloquent,” “excellent” Mike Pence “won” the vice presidential debate over a “desperate” Tim Kaine. The Hardball host did not hold back as he bashed, “Kaine was a little bit, I don't know what the right word is, a little desperate there, jumping in all the time, always trying to get his points. He didn't wait his turn.” In comparison, he rhapsodized over Pence: “ thought that Mike Pence did all the things right that Donald Trump did wrong. His body language was excellent. He was very good on reaction. He looked like a grown-up every time.” The journalist cheered, “I thought he was very effective at being a conservative... He was pro-life. He was rather eloquent at the end. You may not agree with him, but he was eloquent.”