Sexism, Watching Waves: Here Were the WORST Moments From CBS After Biden Quit (Pt. 4)

Curtis Houck | July 23, 2024
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Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!

On Sunday afternoon after President Biden’s handlers posted for him on social media that he won’t run for reelection, CBS blew ABC and NBC out of the water with nearly four hours of airtime (roughly 3:55) fawning over Biden as someone embedded in “the American story” and set to live “in very rarefied air” of U.S. history and decrying even policy criticisms of likely Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, as sexist.

The post linked above is a Notable Quotables-style compilation of the worst moments, aside from this segment blogged by our Alex Christy about BET anchor Ed Gordon deploying the race card and then this doozy flagged by our Jorge Bonilla of John Dickerson comparing Biden to George Washington.