The Schein: 'Occupy Wall Street Socialism-Capitalism?'

MRCTVone | November 10, 2011
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“Occupy Wall Street Socialism Capitalism” says the description banner for the ‘Jesus Christ Socialist' artwork auction page on Ebay. It’s a strange description for a movement that seems to have a lot of capitalists putting their 'Occupy' merchandise up for grabs.

A movement filled with self-professed communists, socialists and Maoists is fueling a profit-minded internet auction bonanza. “Original Communist Red Star Badge, for hat, lapel, Occupy Wall Street Solidarity” is up for bid, along side ‘occupy’ piggy banks, ‘occupy’ money, shirts, pins and even ‘occupy’ decorative car magnets (for $39.99).

Many of these items have minimum bids or expensive ‘Buy it Now’ options. If they are truly for the 99% shouldn’t they be free? Have no reserve on the bid? Or even a ‘Give Away’ option to replace the ‘Buy It Now’ button?