REPUBLICANS Caused Detroit's Demise: MSNBC's Ed Schultz

radioeq | July 26, 2013
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ED SCHULTZ (26 July 2013): Republican promises and lies were at the core of the destruction of Detroit. It wasn’t any policies that were put forward by Democrats. Democrats cared about workers. Democrats wanted to make sure that their workers in the city number one had heath care number two had a pension and number three had good working conditions and were doing their job. Ah the pension fund was dinged with by some Democrats. There’s some fault there, but the local Democrats who were elected in Detroit had nothing to do with a trade agreement that put pressure on industrialized cities. They had nothing to do with the outsourcing of the jobs, which was done by the one percenters in our society. I mean you have to admit that outsourcing and laying money off shore and not paying taxes that’s a Republican thing.