Reagan, Spitzer Awkwardly Try To Shift Focus Away From Obama's Misdeeds

radioeq | May 20, 2013
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RON REAGAN (18 May 2013): This is an opportunity for Barack Obama, it seems to me, and this opportunity has been sitting there for a long time, to do something about money in politics.

ELIOT SPITZER (14:21): [Benghazi] is a scandal made up for nothing but political theater. It's outrageous beyond words that they are taking the attention away from what Ron said should be the focus: how do we protect our diplomats? The Republicans have been wrong on so many fundamental things for the last thirty years and nobody says they should be sent to jail for it. They've been wrong about every economic projection in the past ten years and done more harm to our country because of it, and nobody says, 'Go to jail.'