Questioner at Fusion Forum Demands Bernie Defund Sex Ed Programs That Mention Abstinence

Curtis Houck | January 11, 2016
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

During Monday night’s Iowa Brown and Black Forum on Fusion, socialist Senator Bernie Sanders received questions on issues like education, gun control, and immigration, but also faced a rather bizarre one when a college student stepped to the microphone to ask Sanders if he would defund taxpayer funding for sex education programs in schools that allude to abstinence. 

Co-moderator Alicia Menendez pivoted from discussion of education costs to introducing Simpson College's Molly Monk, who first outlined some statistics about how many states require abstinence as part of their curriculum: “37 states require that sex education include abstinence. Of these states, 25 are required that abstinence be stressed more than any other form and of these states, only 14 require that your sex education contain verifiable facts.”
