Pro-Hillary GMA: Joe Biden’s ‘Window Closing,’ ‘Waited Too Long’

Scott Whitlock | October 20, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Former Clinton operative turned Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday rushed to speculate that Joe Biden’s “window is closing” and that the “weakened” Vice President has waited too long to enter the presidential race. Citing a new poll, Stephanopoulos opened the show by trumpeting, “Hillary Clinton surging past her rivals.... Vice president Biden drops some hints last night he may be running, but is his window closing?”  Referencing the ABC News/Washington Post survey, the co-host lectured, “It might give Biden supporters some pause. It shows a strong move from Hillary Clinton after that debate.” Regarding the Vice President’s decision-making process, reporter Jon Karl marveled, “The question remains, what is Biden doing?”