Piers Morgan Stumbles Over Second Amendment; Hails 'Most Courageous' Bloomberg

Matthew Balan | October 15, 2013
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From the 15 October 2013 edition of CBS This Morning:

NORAH O'DONNELL: You were talking about banning guns. I mean, we have the Second Amendment here in America, and there are more than 100 million gun owners in this country. It is a right that many Americans enjoy and use safely.

PIERS MORGAN, AUTHOR, "SHOOTING STRAIGHT": I have no problem, in a country with so many guns in circulation, with a family exercising their First Amendment (sic) right to defend their families with a handgun at home. But nobody can tell me that any civilian in America needs a military-style assault weapon; or a magazine which has thirty to a hundred bullets.

CHARLIE ROSE: How are you different from where [New York City] Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg is, and where President Obama is?

MORGAN: Well, Mayor – Mayor Bloomberg, to me, is the single most courageous politician in America. The cowardice as-

ROSE: And President Obama?

MORGAN: President Obama, I think, has done his best, but he's achieved nothing. He went to Sandy Hook very publicly, and he promised those families he would get action. To date, he has delivered absolutely nothing.