O’Reilly Cites MRC Numbers in Blasting Networks for Scant Planned Parenthood Scandal Coverage

Curtis Houck | July 24, 2015
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See more in the NB Staff post on the NewsBusters blog.

On Thursday’s edition of The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, host Bill O’Reilly cited statistics complied by the Media Research Center to lambast the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC for their minuscule coverage of the Planned Parenthood video scandal which O’Reilly and guest Bernie Goldberg found to be yet another sign that “[l]iberal philosophy dominates” the news media.

In his opening talking points memo about “abortion and the network news,” O’Reilly set the scene by explaining that “the network news organizations were put in a quandary” when the first video was released last week of a Planned Parenthood official openly discussing the selling of body parts from aborted babies since so many people in TV are “liberal thinkers and many support abortion.”