NYT Fascinated With Liberal Comic’s Hoax Interviews: ‘Revealing a Truth’

Scott Whitlock | July 23, 2018
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[See NewsBusters for more.] The New York Times seems conflicted about undercover exposes. When James O’Keefe secretly recorded Times journalists admitting their own bias, the paper’s editor fumed over this “mortal sin” against journalism. But the Times on Monday appeared fascinated by liberal comedian Sasha Baron Cohen’s hoax interviews, deeming them as efforts to “reveal a truth.” Times writer Sopan Deb on Monday contrasted O’Keefe with this headline: “Sacha Baron Cohen Is Duping Republicans. Is He the James O’Keefe of the Left?” Appearing on MSNBC, Deb cited another undercover comic and declared: “Look, whether, you know, intent matters and in this particular case if you were revealing a truth that is indicative of what is really happening.”