No Surprise Here! Networks Blast Speech, Express Disgust with Rhetoric; Refuse to Condemn Dems

Curtis Houck | January 8, 2019
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Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!

In perhaps the least surprising thing to happen thus far in 2019, President Donald Trump’s Tuesday night address was not well received by the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC (and particularly the first and third ones). Anchors, hosts, and correspondents panned it as inaccurate, full of fear-mongering, and then offered little to no criticism of the Democratic response by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

NBC was the most hostile to the Oval Office address. Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd told host Lester Holt that “what was intriguing to me is how much it lacked any new information” and instead came across as “a more formalized version of the stump speech” before the midterms when “he was trying to use the fear of crime.” Yes, Chuck, the fear of actual crimes that have taken place by illegal immigrants. The nerve of him!