No Evidence Obama Was Involved! Desperate Libs Polish Talking Points

radioeq | May 16, 2013
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JOHN NICHOLS, THE NATION (15 MAY 2013): They said, the inspector general, that these IRS agents, not people at the top level, but people at the mid-level, allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued. So they asked for things that they didn't need to know, went perhaps too far in their questioning. All significant, we should take that in.

But, here's the really vital thing -- the watchdog report says, and I quote, all of these officials, and they interviewed tons of folks up and down the ladder, within the IRS, around it, all of these officials stated that the criteria were not influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS. Let's underline that, let's put a circle around it. All of these officials stated that the criteria were not influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS.

What does that mean? What that means is that this entire moment of speculation, all of this talk about whether there was some sort of major conspiracy, an effort to go after people, there is no evidence in this report that that conspiracy went up into the political class, into the Obama White House.