Neil DeGrasse Tyson Refuses To Say Male-Female Differences Are Scientific

Alex Christy | November 23, 2024
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On Friday’s episode of HBO’s Real Time, it was the best of host Bill Maher and it was the worst of Bill Maher. On one hand, Maher called out astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s unwillingness to upset the woke crowd when he refused to affirm that male and female differences are scientifically based. However, later, he falsely claimed the country has elected a female president, but “our stupid system” prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president.

The background for the Tyson conversation was the editor-in-chief of the once prestigious Scientific American resigning after calling Donald Trump voters “fucking fascists.” Maher claimed he wasn’t interested in canceling anyone, “But here's what I think is the scandal. This is in Scientific American, less than a year ago. ‘Inequity between male and female athletes is a result of not inherent biological differences between the sexes but of biases and how they are treated in sports.’”

He then told Tyson, “That's nuts, and it sure ain't scientific, and it's in Scientific American, and that's why the Democrats lost the election. It's true.” 

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