NBC's Richard Engel Doubts Paris Attacks Will Bring U.S., Others Together to Stop ISIS

Curtis Houck | November 18, 2015
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In a welcome change of pace for MSNBC programming on Tuesday night, liberal primetime host Rachel Maddow was given the night off in favor of NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel, who anchored the network’s 9:00 p.m. Eastern coverage of the Paris Islamic terror attacks and closed with a brief but astute commentary on how it’s doubtful that Paris will change the global ISIS strategy.    

Engel started the 44-second analysis by alluding to how Friday’s attacks were the worst seen in “the beautiful city of Paris....in its post-war history” before remarking how he hoped that world leaders would come away from “this latest atrocity” with a realization that ISIS will only be defeated if they come together by “push[ing] political and national calculations aside.” 
