NBC’s ‘The Mysteries of Laura’ Turns Men Into Grunting, Incompetent, Neanderthals

Dylan Gwynn | February 5, 2016
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Leader: Alright, hang on brothers. Just cool down. This anger you feel, when you give in to it, you play right into the hands of the radical feminist agenda.

Broderick: Now I understand why Santiani sent us.

Soto: Right. Laura would have shot somebody by now.

Broderick: This huckster is raking in the money?

Leader: Our next speaker recently had a huge victory. Kurt Baronson, would you please come share?

Broderick: This is our guy. Maybe he will incriminate himself.

Soto: See, see, it was a good idea to stay and sit, right? Maybe even good enough for a Knicks ticket.

Kurt: Uh, thanks, yeah I am Kurt. My nightmare ex not only made my life a living hell but she, she tried to leave the country with my son and her new husband, who my son, by the way, now calls, "Dad." You know, in my life, I have felt lost, alone, even in my marriage. And then I found this. This brotherhood. And you guys told me to just wrestle my problem to the ground. Sack up, right? And so I did. I took action and now the universe has righted the wrong. My son isn't going anywhere and my problem is gone!

Soto: Sounds like he's talking about Dr. Silverman's death.

Kurt: Karma ain't a b*tch. He's a man and thanks to you, I am again, too.

Cool line about karma. Of course, the speaker gets arrested by the detectives right after his speech, because they think the freedom he’s describing is due to the fact that he murdered his ex-wife’s new husband. Which turns out to not be true. So, at least they didn’t make the “Men’s Renaissance Association,” a den of murderers.

Though they did make them appear to be a group of low-life ignoramuses who don’t like paying child support. Is that really what the left thinks the rallying cry of a men’s association would be? Not paying for your kids?

I have known many ignoramuses in my time. I can’t say I’ve known a lot of dead-beat dads. Why? Because that’s not something dudes advertise. Due to the fact that it is nether good, nor should it be a source of pride.

In fact, it’s something that in most circles would get you placed outside the circle. And in the circles where it’s acceptable to have kids and not pay child support, it’s acceptable largely due to leftist policies where the federal government inserts itself as a surrogate father by rewarding single-motherhood with various forms of public assistance.

Maybe if the politicians under the thumbs of radical feminists hadn’t destroyed the image of the American man by convincing everyone that men are nothing but raping, good for nothing, no child support paying, Neanderthals, men would need no Renaissance.