NBC's 'Carmichael Show' Talks Trump Rally Violence

Dylan Gwynn | May 29, 2016
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The show wraps up in a hospital emergency room, with the family fretting over Jerrod, who was stabbed at a Trump rally:

Maxine: Okay, see, I knew something like this was going to happen at a Trump rally. All of his supporters are just out of control.

Joe: Now, wait a minute, you don't know that Jerrod was stabbed by a Trump supporter. There were other protesters there too, getting people all riled up. Now, why do you go to a man's event and boo him? I heard that that, uh, Bruno Mars was in town not a week ago. I don't care for him. Don't like his music. But I didn't go boo him. No, I let that little Hawaiian man do his little concert and dance his little Hawaiian-man dance.

Maxine: This is 100% Trump's fault. He encourages violence. And the only reason Jerrod was down there was 'cause of you. You may as well have stabbed him yourself.

Joe: Oh, there you go pointing fingers again.

Cynthia: Okay, will the both of you just shut up! Your fighting is the reason my baby is in this bed clinging to his life.

Jerrod: Look, everybody is just too angry. We're supposed to be able to have constructive conversations about politics without it devolving into yelling or name-calling. There needs to be some middle ground here. And if it takes me getting stabbed to unite you two, then I guess that's just what had to happen, all right? I got stabbed so you guys could live in peace. So you guys could heal. I'm the Jesus of this story.

Trump has absolutely encouraged violence at his rallies. This can’t be denied. Though, I thought it amazing that the writers put out the alternate theory. That someone other than a Trump supporter could be responsible for the attack. That’s saying a lot, especially for the modern day leftist entertainment industry.

All told this show was supposed to be all Donald Trump, and it almost all was. But they did a really good job of at least attempting to explain some of his positions, taking shots at other candidates, and making it funny.

Kudos, Carmichael Show.