NBC, ABC Absolve Obama: U.S. ‘Powerless to Stop’ Aleppo Slaughter

Scott Whitlock | December 14, 2016
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[See NewsBusters for more.] As Aleppo descends into chaos and death, the journalists at NBC and ABC on Wednesday avoided singling out Barack Obama’s foreign policy. Instead, NBC focused on the present and said America is “powerless” to do anything.  It was only CBS This Morning that hosted a discussion on culpability of Barack Obama’s inaction. Talking to Republican strategist Dan Senor, co-host Charlie Rose wondered if the Syrian crisis should be connected to “Barack Obama and the administration that has been in power and had an opportunity to do something.” Senor hammered the President: “In 2011, the assault on civilians began. President Obama did nothing. 2013, the red line was issued. President Obama didn't follow through with it. 2014 and 2015, Russia intervention, which took the human catastrophe down to a whole other level.”