National Review’s Rich Lowry Takes Fire from Outnumbered Panel on 'Insulting' Trump, Supporters

Curtis Houck | February 2, 2016
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

After FNC’s Outnumbered offered near unanimous condemnation of National Review’s anti-Donald Trump issue and editor-in-chief Rich Lowry a few weeks ago, Lowry responded as a guest host on Tuesday’s show and not surprisingly was bombarded with criticism and accused of being “elitist,” “really, really rude,” and part of “the establishment” for having “insulted” voters by opposing Trump.

The show started late with live footage of a Hillary Clinton rally in New Hampshire but co-host Andrea Tantaros started right afterward by turning to Lowry and declaring that he “took a lot of blowback on that cover” and demanded to know why he celebrated Trump’s loss to Ted Cruz.