MSNBC’s Tur, Panelists Freak Over ‘Man Baby’ Trump’s Letter Launching ‘Operation Khaos’

Curtis Houck | January 17, 2019
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In similar fashion to their fellow lefties at CNN, MSNBC Live was beside itself on Thursday afternoon after President Trump’s letter canceling Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas visits to Afghanistan, Brussels, and Egypt. Host Katy Tur and assembled panelists blasted the “childish” “man baby” of a President for actions further illustrating the need for his removal via impeachment or the 25th Amendment.

New York Times columnist and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer Bret Stephens fretted how he has children “in high school,” “middle school,” and “grade school and all of them have a better grasp of the rules of capitalization” than Trump. This was in reference to Trump capitalizing “Shutdown,” “Strong Border Security,” and “Southern Border.”