MSNBC's Simmons: China "Making Proposals', U.S. 'Just Criticizing'

Alex Christy | May 19, 2020
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Keir Simmons joined Andrea Mitchell on her Tuesday MSNBC show to report on the latest developments surrounding the World Health Organization, President Trump, and China. During which, he argued that the to the rest of the world it appears that the United States is "just criticizing," while China is "making proposals" to the consternation of U.S. allies.

Simmons cited as proof, President Trump's letter to the WHO threatening to permanently cut off funding while Xi Jinping delivered a speech to WHO's teleconference in which he pledge to donate $2 billion to anti-coronavirus efforts, "Exactly what you have is this kind of split screen between the way that America is behaving and the way China is behaving and China is, frankly, quite openly attempting to steal the limelight, trying to steal the stage."