MSNBC Demands Trump Camp Retract ‘Rigged’ System Comments in Light of FBI News

Curtis Houck | October 28, 2016
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway naturally took to the cable news airwaves on Friday afternoon to comment on the bombshell news concerning new details the FBI will investigate regarding Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and on MSNBC, she was pressured to withdraw her candidate’s insistence that the “system” is rigged to benefit Clinton.

Upon playing a clip of Trump commenting on the investigation’s revamping so to speak, host Steve Kornacki pointed out to Conway that Trump stated Thursday night on Fox News that not only is the system rigged, but “I think the biggest rigging of all is what happened with the FBI and the Justice Department with respect to Hillary Clinton.” 
