‘Moderate’ or Really ‘Left?’ Nets Disagree on New DNC Chair

Scott Whitlock | February 27, 2017
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[See NewsBusters for more.] The journalists on ABC, CBS and NBC on Sunday couldn’t quite agree how to spin new Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez. Is he “moderate,” “establishment” or actually really progressive? Despite having what the liberal Mother Jones magazine called “stalwart progressive” credentials, Sunday Morning host Jane Pauley described, “Former Labor secretary Tom Perez is the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee... His election is seen as a win for the moderate wing of the party.” Later on CBS's Face the Nation, Atlantic journalist Molly Ball called Perez the “establishment candidate” who angered the “progressive movement.” Over on ABC’s Good Morning America, reporter Gloria Riviera worried, “A key question, of course, will be how many progressives who supported Bernie Sanders and also supported the man who came in second, Keith Ellison, will now get behind the new DNC chair?”