Mitchell Lamented ‘Rush to Judgment on Franken, Wants GOP Offender Gone

Scott Whitlock | December 14, 2017
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell wants some alleged sexual harassers on Capitol Hill gone immediately. Others, she laments the “rush to judgment.” What’s the key difference? Whether the offender is a Democrat or a Republican. On Thursday, Mitchell reported on the news that Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold will not seek re-election. It was revealed he paid $84,000 in tax payer money to settle abuse allegations against him. Mitchell ranted to Bernie Sanders: “But the Texas Republican is not stepping down immediately.... Is deciding not to run for re-election a year from now good enough?” Later, she whined to Kasie Hunt: “So, Blake Farenthold not stepping down immediately though. And why wouldn't he feel pressured by his colleagues to step down?”