Mitchell Hails Democrats' 'Great' Messaging on Gas Prices

Alex Christy | March 9, 2022
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[See NewsBusters for more.] After hosting her own show on Wednesday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell ventured over to MTP Daily to continue in the media’s newest tradition of acting like historically high gas prices are solely due to Vladimir Putin’s decision to wage war on Ukraine. Not only did Mitchell defend that talking point, she hailed it as “a great way to message it.”

Host Chuck Todd had just finished lamenting that gas prices are a “potent” domestic issue that could hurt Democrats in November when Mitchell agreed, “It's a potent one, but I really do think, in talking to members of Congress, that they now see the politics right now, and it may not last, that the American people are behind us. And more likely, are willing to take a hit at the pump. I don’t think it’s been sold adequately.”