Meet the Press Praises Dems for Merging ‘Terrorism and Guns Together’

Nicholas Fondacaro | June 19, 2016
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The big question the Meet the Press panel tackled on Sunday was, as moderator Chuck Todd put it, “Is the gun debate changed this week?” Todd believes it has, explaining how Democrats have read the GOP’s play book on getting legislation passed, “And Democrats, for the first time, decided to merge terrorism and guns together and run with it. And it did change the rhetoric of the Republicans.

To start off, a sad sounding Gwen Ifill of PBS lamented how gun-control has yet to be implemented, “A year ago, Charleston, we have since seen San Bernardino. Not long ago we saw Newtown, we have seen this over and over again, Aurora, schools, bars, it doesn't matter, nothing has actually changed.” But Todd thought otherwise.

After a brief discussion of gun-control bills in the works Todd accused Republicans of being masters of, “using the fear of terrorism as a way to get some controversial legislation passed.” Which legislation he was referring to was never mentioned, but Ifill blurted out that what Republicans really used was “hatred.”

He went on to praise the Democrats for running the same play against Republicans, “And Democrats, for the first time, decided to merge terrorism and guns together and run with it. And it did change the rhetoric of the Republicans.

Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin argued that a national shift on gun control would happen because of the LGBT community backing it, and a President Hillary Clinton. Halperin admitted that right now there may not be an effective push for gun control because of the House but, “Next year, if Hillary Clinton wins, with coat tails, and brings in a clear mandate for a lot of provisions that have never been talked about.

Halperin went on to praise Clinton for her bravery on gun-control claiming, “We have had two Democratic presidents both afraid of talking about this issue.” Even though President Bill Clinton signed the 1994 assault weapons ban and President Barack Obama had been very vocal about his support for gun-control.