[See NewsBusters for more.] Meghan McCain is back from vacation and she’s making her presence felt on The View. The lone conservative voice on the ABC talk show, Monday, unloaded on Joe Biden, lecturing that the President is potentially imperiling his very soul, doing "grave spiritual harm" to himself by aggressively promoting abortion. While the liberal hosts parroted rote talking points about the possibility of Biden being denied communion by the Catholic Church, McCain shocked with her bluntness. The token conservative then seemed to suggest Biden could be in spiritual danger: “All of these issues are life and death for Catholics, for devout Christians, and he's going to have to ultimately talk to his creator when the time comes as we all do, and reconcile his politics with his — with his personal faith, and I believe that he's doing grave spiritual harm to himself and harm to this country.”
McCain UNLOADS: Pro-Abortion Biden Imperiling His Soul, Doing ‘Grave Spiritual Harm’
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