Matthews Pushes More Conspiracy Theories, Argues Kavanaugh Claim Worse Than Moore, Porter Claims (Pt. 2)

Curtis Houck | September 20, 2018
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Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!

The worst exchange came after The New York Times’s Peter Baker invoked the prior allegations of impropriety toward young girls by Roy Moore, alleged spousal abuse by Rob Porter, and misconduct claims by various Fox News employees. 

He mentioned those cases next to Kavanaugh in relation to how the President has all rallied behind them, but Matthews chose to step in by making a grotesque ranking of sorts between the Kavanaugh claim and the others (click “expand” to read more):

Well, okay. I just wanted to say — I have to delineate here. Susan may be agree with me. I’m delineating. If he did what he is accused of, stands accused of in this case, closed the door, shoves a woman into a room with the help of somebody else — another guy, throws her on the bed, jumps on top of her, covers her mouth when she screams for help. I — it seems to me that's in a category of sexual assault that's a bit more egregious than these other cases. I don't want to delineate except how does he turn his back and say, that doesn't matter.
