Matthews to Cruz: Don't Question Patriotism...Like I Did

Scott Whitlock | March 26, 2015
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[See NewsBusters] Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Wednesday fumed over what he saw as Ted Cruz questioning the patriotism of Democrats. This is despite the fact that the cable host has questioned the patriotism of people he doesn't like. On Hardball, Matthews read a quote of the Republican senator asserting, "Understanding Harvard law school is very important to understanding our president." Cruz then claimed that "there were more self-declared communists on the Harvard faculty that there were Republicans."  Matthews snarled, "This is McCarthy stuff that I didn't grow up with, but I remember reading about...Why is he going back to impugning people's patriotism as a tactic?" Of course, On July 13, 2013, Matthews wondered if Rupert Murdoch was a "true American." On January 21, 2009, he questioned, "Does Rush Limbaugh hate this country?"