Maher Rants 'No One Gives a F****' About Bob Casey As He Tries To Steal Senate Seat

Alex Christy | November 16, 2024
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According to HBO’s Bill Maher, election denial is something Republicans do. Fortunately, Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham was also present on Friday’s edition of Real Time to point out Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. Bob Casey is doing that right now. An unhappy Maher could only rant that “no one gives a fuck” about Casey because he is just a senator.


Ham told Maher, “I do not think it's as asymmetrical as you say, and I also –”

Cutting her off, Maher ranted, “Well, on the presidential level it is. Okay, Bob Casey, no one gives a fuck or even knows who he is.“

[See NewsBusters for more]