According to HBO’s Bill Maher, election denial is something Republicans do. Fortunately, Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham was also present on Friday’s edition of Real Time to point out Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. Bob Casey is doing that right now. An unhappy Maher could only rant that “no one gives a fuck” about Casey because he is just a senator.
Maher lamented, “What I'm asking is you know that if Trump had lost the election, right now we would be talking about the votes that are still coming in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and he’d be in the courts, and we would be all in a tither. One side accepts election losses and one side doesn't. This asymmetry cannot continue.”
As Maher was doing his spiel, Ham tried to get a word in, “Wait, wait. Hold on,” but Maher rolled along, “And the people who are defending him cannot just look past it like ‘well, we won the election, that's it.’”
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