Libs Still Won't Call Boston Terrorists Muslims, But Label It 'Isolated Event'

radioeq | April 24, 2013
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ERIC BOEHLERT (22 April 2013): There was just an absolute burning desire to find a Middle Eastern guy to be the suspect and and and the New York Post and you know other conservative outlets like Glenn Beck they proved they’ll just make it up. You know it was such a burning desire to have the story fit the narrative that they wanted that they were willing and they have the media tools to just start making stuff up. And make creating their own reality and creating their own parallel universe where hey it’s a Saudi guess what, we decided it’s a Saudi, so that’s the story we’re going to go with cause that’s the story we want. And if you just take a couple of seconds imagine you know thank God Glenn Beck wasn’t around on 9/11. Thank God the Fox news of today wasn’t around on 9/11.


ERIC BOEHLERT: Thanks God the right wing blogosphere wasn’t around on 9/11 to act in such a massive irresponsible way. I mean we saw a tiny little window last week

STEPHANIE MILLER: Yeah well I mean.

ERIC BOEHLERT: with this isolated event in Boston.