Lib Launches 'Operation Change The Subject' - Blame Bush!

radioeq | October 30, 2013
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BILL PRESS (30 October 2013): What about President Obama, did he tell the exact truth? I’d have to say no. Should he have conditioned it, yeah! He should have said and Congressman John Yarmuth said this yesterday on our show, the President probably should have said, 99% he would have been actually right on, or he should have said by far he should have said most Americans and he would have been absolutely right on. Um, he didn’t, but I just have to say um, for the Republicans to make a big deal of that, I remember another President saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and we had to invade that country and we did. What did that cost in lives and in dollars? I remember another President saying Iraq had nuclear weapons and a Vice President the capacity. They either already has nuclear weapons or they could have one like within a year. I remember another President saying Iraq was a direct threat to the United States and we had no choice but to send our military in unilaterally in an illegal war and invade Iraq. So, don’t talk to me about a President telling the 100% truth. President Obama was selling a good plan and now we see that there’s one little wrinkle in the plan. You know what my reaction is to the whole thing, so what, it’s no big deal.