Lemon Condemns NBC for Trump Town Hall, Demands Maddow Interview

Nicholas Fondacaro | October 14, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

During the Wednesday handoff between CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime and CNN Tonight, the host of the latter, Don Lemon went on a tirade against NBC for allowing President Trump to address voters’ questions at a town hall event at the same time as Democratic nominee Joe Biden, on Thursday. Over time, his whining transitioned from just wanting the event to be held on a different night or time, to demanding that one of his radical leftist friends at MSNBC berate the President for the deration.

Proving that he lived firmly inside a liberal bubble, Lemon led into his grievances by asking Chris Cuomo, “You know what everyone is talking about, everyone I know? They are outraged about what’s happening tomorrow night.

Really, Don? That’s what all your friends were talking about, and not say… a New York Post bombshell report exposing how Hunter Biden allegedly exploited his relationship with his father for personal gain? That’s quite telling.

But after griping about how NBC could have given Trump equal time on a different day or a different time in the night, Lemon took to denouncing NBC for giving Trump a platform at all.
