The Irony of Fake News: Univision Passes Re-enacted Drama for News

MRC Latino | May 14, 2019
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GERARDO REYES, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: They say they would have kept their experiences only to themselves as a memory, but the President's hate speech filled them with indignation.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECH: They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime

SANDRA DÍAZ, FORMER EMPLOYEE, TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB: How criminals, if we entered his house? How, how, how thieves? How rapists, if we have been with his wife, with his children, with his grandchildren?

REYES: Neither the White House nor the Trump Organization have officially responded to Univision's request for comment. In the past, the Organization has said that its policy is to fire employees who use false documents.