Heilemann Blames GOP For Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Says Putin Wants Trump Back

Alex Christy | February 24, 2022
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC’s John Heilemann traveled over to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on CBS on Wednesday night say that Republicans and the 2016 election are to blame for Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and that Vladimir Putin is using the moment to weaken President Biden because he wants to see Donald Trump to win in 2024.

Despite acknowledging Putin’s history of waging war before 2016, Heilemann couldn’t resist getting in his partisan attacks, “starting before 2016, Vladimir Putin decided he was going to engage in a systematic campaign of misinformation, disinformation, to try to divide the American people, and sow distrust, division within the Republican Party, within our country. He got Donald Trump elected, or helped get Donald Trump elected. And now we have a more divided country than we've ever had before.”