GMA: Government Shutdown Sure to Backfire on Republicans

Scott Whitlock | August 19, 2013
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Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Sunday parroted Barack Obama's talking points, insisting that a shutdown of the government would would a "weak" Republican Party for a "generation." On Good Morning America, Stephanopoulos touted the President for "cutting his vacation short" due to unrest in Egypt.

After allowing that Obama has "little leverage" over House Republicans, he narrated that the White House believes "the Republican Party is in an even weaker position, that if they shut down the government, say, over their cause to defund Obamacare, they will relegate themselves to minority status for a generation." Playing the role of administration cheerleader, the journalist pointed out that Obama has a big Autumn coming up, "which is why he cut his vacation short. He only went eight days this year instead of the normal two weeks."

Video cross-posted at NewsBusters.